Building Tiny Organs

by David Levin

Dan Huh, Ph.D. (Photo credit: Leslie Barbaro)

More than 34 million Americans suffer from pulmonary diseases like asthma, emphysema and chronic bronchitis. While medical treatments can keep these ailments in check, there are currently no cures. Part of the reason, notes Dan Huh, is that it’s incredibly hard to study how these diseases actually work. While researchers can grow cells taken from human lungs in a dish, they cannot expect them to act like they would in the body. In order to mimic the real deal, it’s necessary to recreate the complex, 3D environment of the lung — right down to its tiny air sacs and blood vessels — and to gently stretch and release the tissue to simulate breathing.

Huh, Associate Professor in Bioengineering, is the cofounder of Vivodyne, a Penn Engineering biotech spinoff that is creating tissues like these in the lab. Vivodyne uses a bioengineering technology that Huh has been developing for more than a decade. While a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard’s Wyss Institute, he played a central role in creating a novel device called an “organ on a chip,” which, as the name implies, assembles multiple cell types on a tiny piece of engineered plastic to create an approximation of an organ.

“While those chips represented a major innovation,” says Huh, “they still weren’t truly lifelike. They lacked many of the essential features of their counterparts in the human body, such as the network of blood vessels running between different kinds of tissue, which are essential for transporting oxygen, nutrients, waste products and various biochemical signals.”

Read the full article in the Fall 2023 issue of the Penn Engineering Magazine.

Two Penn Bioengineering Professors Receive PCI Innovation Awards

From left to right: Marc Singer, Kirsten Leute, D. Kacy Cullen, Dan Huh, Doug Smith, and Haig Aghajanian

Two Penn Bioengineering Professors have received awards in the 7th Annual Celebration of Innovation from the Penn Center for Innovation (PCI).

Dongeun (Dan) Huh, Associate Professor in the Department of Bioengineering, was named the 2022 Inventor of the Year. D. Kacy Cullen, Associate Professor of Neurosurgery with a secondary appointment in Bioengineering, accepted the Deal of the Year Award on behalf of his company Innervace along with Co-Scientific Founder Douglas H. Smith, Robert A. Groff Professor of Teaching and Research in Neurosurgery in the Perelman School of Medicine.

PCI is interdisciplinary center for technology commercialization and startups in the Penn community. Their 7th Annual Celebration, held on December 6, 2022 at the Singh Center for Nanotechnology, honored Penn researchers and inventors whose achievements were a particular highlight of the fiscal year.

Huh was honored in recognition of his “extraordinary innovations in bioengineering tools.” The Huh Biologically Inspired Engineering Systems Laboratory (BIOLines) Laboratory is a leader in tissue engineering and cell-based smart biomedical devices, particularly in the “lab-on-a-chip” field of devices which can approximate the functioning of organs. Their research has been featured by the National Science Foundation (NSF, video below) and Wired, and has received a competitive Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) grant. Most recently, their “implantation-on-a-chip” technology has been used to better understand early-stage pregnancy. Huh and former lab member Andrei Georgescu (Ph.D. in Bioengineering, 2021) founded the spinoff company Vivodyne to bring this organ-on-a-chip technology to the industry sector. Fast Company included Vivodyne in a list of “most innovative” companies.

Innervace, represented by Cullen and Smith, took home the Deal of the Year award in recognition of its “successful Series A funding.” Innervace is another Penn spinoff which develops “anatomically inspired living scaffolds for brain pathway reconstruction.” Innervace raised up to $40 million in Series A financing to “accelerate a new cell therapy modality for the treatment of neurological disorders.” The Cullen Lab at Penn Medicine combines neuroengineering, regenerative medicine, and the study of neurotrauma to improve understanding of neural injury and develop cutting-edge neural tissue engineering-based treatments to promote regeneration and restore function.

Read the full list of 2022 PCI Award winners here.

Read more stories featuring Dan Huh and D. Kacy Cullen.